Community Legal Services of Ottawa (CLSO)
Our legal clinic provides free legal services for persons with low income, living in Ottawa. As of April 1, 2017, three of Ottawa’s community legal clinics have become Community Legal Services of Ottawa (CLSO). We continue to provide the same access to justice services to the Ottawa community. We maintain three office locations to ensure that our clients can access services in their own communities. We are a non-profit community legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario.
Contact Info:
Organization: Community Legal Services of Ottawa (CLSO)
Phone: CLSO South (613) 733-0140
Address: CLSO South 1355 Bank Street, Suite 406, Ottawa, ON KlH 8K7 CLSO Downtown/Cent re-ville 1 Nicholas Street, Suite 422, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7 CLSO West 1299 Richmond Road, Ottawa, ON K2B 7Y4