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SASC Ottawa Parent Support Group Starting July 5th

This summer SASC Ottawa is running a peer-support group for parents who have experienced or have children that have experienced gender-based violence. We welcome all mothers and parents with marginalized gender identities including trans men and non-binary folks, whether currently pregnant or with older children.
Parents and families that have experienced gender-based or sexual violence have unique needs in navigating the healing process. Being a parent of a child who has survived sexual violence is challenging – it can be difficult to know how best to support them.
Being a parent who has survived sexual violence can be equally as challenging, as you try to balance the responsibilities of parenthood, with your own healing journey.
Our 8-week long peer support group will provide a safe-space to explore some of these unique challenges with people who have had similar experiences.
For more information & to register, contact Chandra at or 613-857-0197

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